So before this month ends and we move on to another aspect of fitness, I would like to introduce you guys to one of my favorite stretches - the back-bend.
The back-bend is a great stretch for your lower back, abs, and to a slighter degree, other areas of the body such as the wrists.
This is a great stretch for those with lower back pain caused by tightness of the muscles associated with this area.
Note that back pain can be caused by tightness in nearby muscles or crosses that put strain on the lower back. For example, tight hip flexors can lead to lower back pain because they pull the pelvis forward and place the low back in an unnatural position.
BE CAREFUL when performing this stretch. Make sure you ease into the stretch slowly so that you do not exacerbate any injury you may have. This is a very uncomfortable stretch and can put a lot of stress on your low back if done improperly.

The best way to perform this stretch is to use a wall for balance and as an aid to go deeper into the stretch.
- Stand a few feet away from the wall. Bend backward and place your hands on the wall, fingers pointed towards the ground, elbows bent.
- Make sure to keep your legs as straight as possible and pull your torso towards the wall. Think of it as if you wanted to separate your torso from your legs. Hold this position for at least 30 seconds.
If this stretch is too difficult, or you experience pain, a beginner version of this stretch is to simply stand and bend backwards as far as you can. Press your fists into the areas of your back where you feel the most pain, and hold that position for as long as possible.
This is by far a fun stretch, but it is one of the best for developing low back and ab flexibility.
So that is it for this month. Stick around for next month where our next focus will be on bodybuilding. Be sure to check out the routines and advice offered here in the next few weeks and learn how you can develop a strong, aesthetic body.
Get Stronger!